Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some backpedaling

My beige buddy TBO directed me to an interview with the two victims of the Michael Richards tirade. Gotta say, if what they say is true, and I don't have any reason to believe it isn't, then I'm through giving Richards the benefit of the doubt.

Let me be clear - I never in any way condoned what he said, but I wanted to know more about the context before I entirely judged hi. The more that comes out, the clearer it is that he didn't just get flustered but has some serious damn issues. No space for hate comics anymore, and that seems like what he was pretty much going for.

But, I remain opposed to a monetary settlement. I don't think a performer should be held legally, financially responsible for offense taken at his or her words. That's just a slippery slope I'm not willing to start down.

Now, if Richards is any kind of man, he'll offer a personal, face-to-face apology (screw this retired judge bullshit), and he'll try to make some amends, which could include money, gifts, what-have-you. But, it would only mean something if he does it by choice. It shouldn't go to court, it shouldn't be mandated, because it is bad precedent and robs the act of meaning, would make it crass (but, of course, what do lawyers know for crass?).

Seriously, Allred should fuck right off. And you know what? Richards should, too.