Monday, October 09, 2006


I had a bad week last week. There was the cable guy debacle, friends getting married, friends having preemies, friends having crises, my daughter scratching my wife's cornea, preschool preschool preschool. So, what I got, sitting in my monkeycage tonight, are just some bits and pieces to share.

Radio ad heard during a weekend football contest:
Ever wondered what it would feel like to be Columbus discovering a new land? Now you can!Really, now I can wonder? Gee, thanks.

Stephen Baldwin, "actor" and born-again evangelist in a Radar interview, on Tom Cruise:
I'd like to give him a spicy Jesus roll!"

And, a thought from me:
Those days when you wake up positive and your kid stymies you anyway are as painful and jarring as jumping into a quickie with an unlubricated condom.

More, something better, soo, I promise.