Monday, November 20, 2006

Kramer vs Kramer

For the love of Pete, have you seen the Michael Richards video?

Now, I was never a huge Seinfeld fan - liked it, and still like it, just fine, its ok for when I ain't movin' from the couch. And, I have no idea what Richards is like as a person or as a stand-up comic. But, damn, dude, what were you thinking?

Maybe I'm naive, but seems like if Richards was a flat-out racist, we woulda heard about it by now. I mean, Mel you could kinda see coming, but this?

Clearly, he lost it, lost control of the situation, but I'm trying to figure out what he might have been going for. The mumbling at the end, just before he gets off stage, about "these words, these words" sounded, sorta, just for that minute, like he was evoking Lenny Bruce. Earlier he made another move, something about us being outraged or shocked, that sounded like, especially in light of his "the horror"esque, it could be heading toward a Lenny-riff. But, he was clearly worked up and pissed off at these guys, and handling nothing like nuance.

There are times and places and ways to use such language to make a point, and clearly this wasn't a time or place or way, but was there any intent? If we are too quick to assume he's a racist cracker-ass motherfucker, is that the same as being quick to assume John Kerry thinks our military is full of dumbasses?

I'm not trying to make excuses for him, because I care so little about him, but I'm wonderin'.

Something like I'm wondering what Bill Cosby and Aaron McGruder might have to say to each other if they sat down and watched some BET together.

Anyway, this will likely slide him from the B list solidly down to C or D, and good riddance if you can't show a little more sense than that. I'm sure he'll be drying his tears with Seinfeld residuals checks.


Richards' apology makes me think he is 1) shithouse crazy, 2)hopelessly behind the times and 3)probably not an "active" racist and yet possessing of some ugly hidden anger.